MediaFire Desktop is a free application that allows one to synchronize their files with the internet without using any type of subscription for internet. Since it is free, this is a good option to go with since it offers so many features. It offers a file manager, a browser with which to view files and it also has a share function that allows one to share a file with others. This type of application can be used to save one's valuable files on the internet.
To get this software, one must first have a valid email account with an online service that supports this kind of software. There are some that may require an internet connection to be able to download this application. After one has registered the email account that is used to sign up, they can then download the application from the official website. After this is complete, a free download link will be sent to the email account that was used to sign up. The next step is to install the software on the computer of the user by using the application installer. After that, the users will be able to synchronize their files with the internet.